MPR offers top level bespoke services. Because we are highly familiar with the sectors in which we work and because we can work in international environments, with local collaborators, suppliers, and institutions, to carry out any type of project successfully.

We provide technical, organizational, economic, and financial support, specifically designed for each need and project.

Our local knowledge together with a bespoke working methodology is a constant support point for large multinationals in the sustainable development of their international projects.

We offer the following services:

In the sale and purchase of oil & gas products.

In services

/ Selection of suppliers and marketing.

Advice for approval of operators in new markets

/ We support clients in the complex process of dealing with local governments and partners
/ We deal with preliminary proceedings of local partners.
/We create data centers (establishing and analyzing virtual data rooms).
/ We work with local agencies, regulators and professional services companies to lay the groundwork for the arrival of our clients.

/ Identifying opportunities.
/ Advising in negotiations.
/ Cost optimization.

/ Financing and debt restructuring.
/ Identification of investment opportunities.
/ M&A
Advice on investment and disinvestment. Our services include market analysis, risk and opportunity analysis, selection and viability analysis, financial analysis, cost engineering and technical advice, product, portfolio and company analysis, logistics and construction.
/ Finding capital for projects. Our team appraises the business operations of the company, the project design, the timeline and the expected cash flow, as well as income forecasts, before making recommendations to investors or financial institutions.

/ Advice on agreement structure.
/ We advise clients on subjects including execution of the agreement, workforce, and strategy, in order to meet local regulations in certain countries.
/ Resolution of conflicts between companies.
/ Representing companies in international and high-risk markets.
/ Optimization of suppliers and implementing best practices programs and selection transparency.
/ EPC+ F